An irregular, irreverent, post-modern account of the surreal, the ordinary, and the bizarre happenings on and around the Felia lavender farm in Crete

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The denouement begins

Lory's secretary - a youngish, quite tasty little morsel ushered him onto the room where they were already seated and waiting for him. He was not late but they rather were early. Too eager he wondered? Across the desk Lory sat with his arms crossed. The desktop was immaculately empty - pristine. To his right sat Power, and to his right George. George sported a shiner of fairly spectacular lividity. "Who gave you the mouse little puss?" asked Charlie. He wanted to establish his sang-froid straight off. He turned his head no more than 20 degrees, "What's he doing here?". The phone was unplugged - nice touch, he thought to himself - a little too ostentatiously unplugged but ... Clearly intended to draw attention to itself. "George is taking notes, do you have an objection to that Charles?". "No, not really, not to him but to notes yes I guess I do, in principle. The room has been screened yeah? OK. George, sling that projector out with Serena - draw the blinds and shut the fuck up. No notes - get it? NO! leave the flip chart - that'll be handy" George unplugged and wrestled the projector through to the outer office. "By the way Gee, I've, sorry, we've picked up an online stalker, do me a favour and silence the fucking freak will you? IP address is 62dot103dot188dotsomething or the other - kill the cunt wiil you? He's a prick - OK? Shut him the fuck up and warn him off. No George - don't switch the fucking lights off you twat - we're not using the projector - remember? Now -s it yourselves dwn and get comfortable - anyone need a piss go now because once I start nobody leaves till I'm done. Anyone? No? OK sit down, fasten your seatbelts and button your fucking lips - we're in for a rocky ride"


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