As promised a quick update but I will keep it brief. More than 48 hours offline in 72 or was it more than 72 in 9 has left me feeling kind of semi-detached and with a fair amount of stuff to catch up on.
We are well - all of us - despite Georgi being back from Germany bearing extremely alien germs. Fingers crossed that it stays that way. He has a lot to do but then so do we.
Despite a dodgy day today with cloud and the odd shower the weather has started to feel like spring stroke early summer on a regular basis.
Some of our regular cafes have reopened in the past week - a sure sign that we are into a new era.
OTE continues to disappoint.
The "racist slur" incident has come to a reasonable conclusion and I hope that we can all learn from it.
The days and hours offline have allowed me to retrieve the text, the notes, the background and the structural diagrams for the novel. It is maybe 5/7ths done but on re-reading it I am not yet convinced that I can finish it - I'm a different write that the one that started the novel. I am not unhappy with it but it is a very different beast, and I would not rewrite it.
The blook has racked up 4 sales so far! A successful writer!
well, one of those sales was me! i've just barely cracked it. initially i made the purchase as a gesture of respect and solidarity, and i have hopes of it turning into more than that, and enjoying the journey and epiphanies