An irregular, irreverent, post-modern account of the surreal, the ordinary, and the bizarre happenings on and around the Felia lavender farm in Crete

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Stormy weather

An afternoon of spitting rain and impending thunderstorms has drained me. For the past two nights we have watched from the upstairs terrace the most spectacular electrical storms running around out to sea. The weather forecast has, however, been consistently upbeat showing only clear warm days ahead. The actual weather has not matched the forecast for several days - humidity is way up and clouds have been regularly obscuring a hot sun. Sweaty days have been followed by clammy nights.

Around six this evening the skies darkened and several minutes thereafter the clouds disgorged their pent up rains. Or at least they began discharging it. On and off since then it has rained in heavy outbursts. The atmosphere is oppressive and tells of more of the same to come throughout the night. We've not had the thunderstorm yet but we expect some action around midnight which is when the last few evenings' entertainment has started.

At least it means we won't have to water the vegetables and pots tomorrow morning! Look on the bright side. The olives should be swelling nicely now. The beans too. And the tomatoes. Plenty of bright sides when you think of it. And the car will get a wash.

Fortunately we got everything that had to be done today finished before the overcast weather set in and the drizzling began: chores, laundry, some painting, the palm tree trimmed, lavender tidied and blooms cut, frappes at Bellissimo. I even got the water and oil topped up in Betty before it all kicked off.

It looks like the girls have forgotten what rain is all about though. Molly stands on the decking looking at it and getting soaked while Bridey goes into the kennel and refuses to get her feet wet at all. They'll relearn the procedures in time but September is early.

Inge arrives on Tuesday and goodness knows what she'll make of it all.

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